Hello, Thanks to the guide, http://maven.apache.org/guides/plugin/guide-ant-plugin-development.html I have successfully developed some simple ant plugin. but when I run an ant script to refer the maven classpath, I got >>>>>>> [ERROR] BUILD ERROR [INFO] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] Failed to execute: Executing Ant script: /test.build.xml [get-classpath]: Failed to execute.
Reference maven.dependency.classpath not found.. >>>>>>>>>>> even I tried use a parameter with <defaultValue>${project.runtimeClasspathElements}</defaultValue> <type>java.util.Set</type> I am using maven 2.0.2, Here is the source: test.build.xml <project> <target name="get-classpath"> <echo>Try to get the classpath</echo> <property name="out" refid="maven.dependency.classpath" /> <echo>out: ${out}</echo> </target> </project> test.mojo.xml <mojo> <goal>get-classpath</goal> <call>get-classpath</call> <description>get classpath</description> </mojo> in the plugin pom.xml, do have following configuration: <artifactId>maven-plugin-plugin</artifactId> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.maven</groupId> <artifactId>maven-plugin-tools-ant</artifactId> <version>2.0.1</version> </dependency> </dependencies> btw, from the link http://www.nabble.com/Support-for-mojos-written-in-Ant-t863193.html#a2342290 seems we don't need to manually add any "maven.dependency.classpath" refids to ANT, that already happens behind the scenes. But why can't my ant script get that reference? Thanks in advance. Bill
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