
AFAIK, system properties doesn't have expressions like project properties

Using System.getProperty() will work, but you'd be better off passing
parameters (just like how you mentioned) as the advantages are: you could
inject the values thru the command line and you could specify the parameters
in pom.xml.

Did I get you right?  Kindly correct me if I'm wrong. :)


On 2/23/06, Thanh T. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was able to get the POM properties and project into mojo thanks to
> Dan Tran and Alexandre Poitras for the help. Now I couldn't get the
> environment variables into mojo. Here's my question where can I get a
> list parameter expression. For example if I want to pass in the
> project build folder i would do.
> /**
> * @parameter expression="${project.build.directory}"
> * ...
> */
> private File buildDirectory;
> how can I pass the system properties into mojo? i don't know the
> expression for system properties. Can anyone point me to a place where
> they have a list of expression? I tried to find the default maven 2
> properties but couldn't from their site either. thanks
> --
> Thanh T.ICQ #: 10381946
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