I'm willing to believe I'm wrong, but if the base langague is xx, shouldn't
the generated HTML be placed in ${maven.docs.dest}/xx?

Consider this scenario.

- Assume that there are number of files that are copied, not generated from
XML source, including images, style sheets, Javadoc, and code templates.

- The base language source files contain relative URLs to these files.

- The team who translates the base language source files are only changing
the text between the tags.  They are not changing relative URLs.  Even if
they understand URLs, they don't know which relative URLs must be modified.

- For each supported language yy, the generated HTML is placed in ${
maven.docs.dest}/yy.  If the base language xx is placed in ${maven.docs.dest}
instead of ${maven.docs.dest}/xx, all of the relative URLs that reference
files that are not generated by the xDoc plugin must be different for the
base language and the other languages.

Of course, for me, it is much more pleasing to see all the supported
languages, including the base language, appear in parallel directory trees
where the name of the root is the ISO language code.  However, if my sense
of aesthetics and symmetry is blinding me a better solution, I will just
have to ignore my senses.


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