 One more thing

Please NOTE that i have generated myself the persistence.xml file int he
META-INF directory..

not sure if you were expecting maven to do that

and, just to clarify, file i sent you works wtih Maven 1.1


On 3/7/06, Marco Mistroni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
>   yes sorry for that..
> this is  a maven 1.1 version though....
> directory structure is as follows
> ejbs
>  |___ META-INF
>  |___ src
>       |____java
>               |____ com....
> ***** maven.xml ********
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
>  <project   xmlns:m="jelly:maven"
>                           xmlns:ant="jelly:ant">
>   <preGoal name="ejb3">
>    <attainGoal name="clean"/>
>    <copy todir="${maven.build.dir}/classes/${meta.inf.dir}">
>      <fileset dir="${meta.inf.dir}"/>
>    </copy>
>   </preGoal>
>   <goal name="ejb3">
>      <attainGoal name="ejb:ejb"/>
>       <attainGoal name="ejb:install"/>
>   </goal>
> </project>
> this is part of the project.xml
>   <build>
>     <nagEmailAddress>turbine-maven-dev@jakarta.apache.org
> </nagEmailAddress>
>     <sourceDirectory>src/java</sourceDirectory>
>     <unitTestSourceDirectory>test</unitTestSourceDirectory>
>     <unitTest>
>       <includes>
>         <include>**/*Test.java</include>
>       </includes>
>       <excludes>
>         <exclude>**/NaughtyTest.java</exclude>
>       </excludes>
>     </unitTest>
>     <resources>
>       <resource>
>         <directory>src/conf</directory>
>         <includes>
>           <include>*.properties</include>
>           <include>*.xml</include>
>         </includes>
>       </resource>
>     </resources>
>   </build>
> **********
> NOthing special so far, but when i build an ear this is the project.xmlthat i 
> use
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <project>
>    <extend>${basedir}/../project.xml</extend>
>    <groupId>ejb3</groupId>
>    <id>ejb-deploy</id>
>    <name>EJB3 EAR</name>
>    <organization>
>       <name>Apache Software Foundation</name>
>       <url>http://www.apache.org/</url>
>       <logo> http://maven.apache.org/images/jakarta-logo-blue.gif</logo>
>    </organization>
>    <description>EAR file for EJB3 sample project </description>
>    <shortDescription>How to use maven with EJB3</shortDescription>
>    <dependencies>
>     <dependency>
>         <groupId>ejb3</groupId>
>         <artifactId>ejbs</artifactId>
>         <version>${pom.currentVersion}</version>
>     <type>ejb</type>
>     <properties>
>        <ear.bundle>true</ear.bundle>
>            <ear.bundle.name>ejbs.par</ear.bundle.name>
>         </properties>
>     </dependency>
>     <dependency>
>         <groupId>ejb3</groupId>
>         <artifactId>ejb3-web</artifactId>
>         <version>${ pom.currentVersion}</version>
>         <type>war</type>
>     <properties>
>        <ear.bundle>true</ear.bundle>
>            <ear.appxml.war.context-root>ejb3</ear.appxml.war.context-root>
>         </properties>
>     </dependency>
>    <dependency>
>         <groupId>ejb3</groupId>
>         <artifactId>shared</artifactId>
>         <version>${ pom.currentVersion}</version>
>         <type>jar</type>
>         <properties>
>            <ear.module>true</ear.module>
>            <ear.bundle>true</ear.bundle>
>         </properties>
>     </dependency>
>   </dependencies>
>  </project>
>    marco
> If not, i can send you my sample application, it works out of the
> box.......
> regards
>  marco

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