Hi Everyone,

I have a problem checkout project from our CVS tree with module alias. I
have a following CVS tree under the CVSROOT.

   ... pom.xml
   ... pom.xml
ModuleAlias -a Module1 Module2

and I created a module alias which points to Module1 and Module2. I heard
that we cannot checkin a pom.xml file at toplevel of the CVSROOT.  One user
on maven
user group suggested, to create a new module and pom.xml file in it and
create symbolic links from it to these modules or create new module and
refactor the modules into it.
Since we dont have access to the cvs server, so we cannot create those
links. If we take the second approach, it requires
changes to our CVS tree, which we are trying to avoid, if possible.

So we are looking for other alternate workarounds..

So we defined a module alias to other directory and we wanted continuum to
checkout the module alias and have a script which copies the pom.xml file to
the workinging directory.
But when continuum checkout the projects with the alias, it copies the
subprojects in the Module1 to working directory instead of creating the
subprojects under the Module direcotory.
So when it tries to checkout subprojects from the second module, it fails.

INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/03/07 15:35:23 | 2006-03-07 15:35:23,025 [Thread-3]
WARN  ContinuumScm                   - Error while checking out the code for
project: 'Master POM File projectName', id: '1' to '/usr/local/continuum-
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/03/07 15:35:23 | 2006-03-07 15:35:23,026 [Thread-3]
WARN  ContinuumScm                   - Command output: cvs checkout:
existing repository /cvsroot/projectName/Module1 does not match
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2006/03/07 15:35:23 | cvs checkout: ignoring module

After continuum checkout the modules from cvs using module alias, Is it
possible to copy this pom.xml to continuum working output/build output
so that before maven starts to build the code, it has the pom.xml at the
toplevel which defines the modules etc.

The ID number in working/build output directory does it change for every
build or it is constant for a project.

-Gautham Pamu

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