I am trying to get a telnet task working from within a maven plugiin I am writing. While testing I find that the telnet task will run successfully once, but then time out on subsequent tries. If I come back to it after doing other work, it will run successfully again - but just one. Then it starts timing out again.

Here is how the task is defined:

<ant:taskdef name="telnet" classname="org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.net.TelnetTask">
                       <ant:path refid="maven.dependency.classpath"/>

       <telnet server="${inst.server}" timeout="60">
               <read  string="ogin:"/>
               <write string="${inst.user}"/>
               <read  string="assword:"/>
               <write echo="false" string="${inst.passwd}"/>
               <read  string="$"/>
<write string="${inst.bin} ${inst.type} ${pom.artifactId} ${inst.env} ${inst.xml}${build.major}${build.minor} ${build.number} " />
               <read string="$"/>
               <write echo="true" string="exit"/>

Are there someother switches to throw in the telnet task to make it behave? Anything else I might be missing?

tia - paul

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