Thanks Tom. Where do I need to create the
library-version.pom file?

If say I have a a.jar file in "lib/" where to put the
following in?

   <groupId>GROUIDYOUDEFINE </groupId>
   <artifactId>ARTIFACTIDYOUDEFINE  </artifactId>
   <version>YOUVERSION </version>


--- Tom Joad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You can install your jar in your local repository.
> Run command
> mvn -e -X install:install-file -Dfile=(Relative or
> absolute
> path)ServletPortlet .jar -Dversion=YOUVERSION
> -Dpackaging=jar  -Dgeneratepom=true
> It's install your local repository with maven
> standard tree structrur
> ~/ServletPortlet.pom
> You must declare your jar as dependency inside your
> project pom file.
> If this command needs a project with pomfile
> Create a directory and copy in your jar create a
> simple pom.xml file
> <project>
>   <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
>   <groupId>GROUIDYOUDEFINE </groupId>
>   <artifactId>ARTIFACTIDYOUDEFINE  </artifactId>
>   <name>Clover</name>
>   <version>YOUVERSION </version>
> </project>
> and run the above command.
> Tom.
> 2006/2/24, Srikanth Reddy
> > Hi,
> >   I am new to maven environment i started
> intigrating an already existing project with maven,
> i have to use ServletPortlet jar in one of the files
> but
> > dosent have any
> thing by which i could map to that repositry and
> download that jar into my local repository by
> providing that info in <dependency></dependency> in
> pom.xml right.
> >
> >   Can u plz let me know how to compile my project
> by specifing ServletPortal.jar externally or any
> other way by which I can compiling my project
> >
> >   Regards
> >   Srikanth Reddy
> >
> >
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