Hi Caslos,

Thanks for your feedback, my comments inline below: 

>-----Original Message-----
>Of ext Carlos Sanchez

>When you say " a custom ant-based plugin " you mean an ant 
>script used from the antrun plugin?

No, I created a real ant plugin, as described in this guide:

>Anyway if instead of generating them to target/generated, 
>which is usually used for generated java sources (not 
>resources), you generate them to target/classes, they will end 
>bundled in your jar.

The problem is I cannot really control the generator. I can just invoke it, and 
everything ends up in 


Besides, you have to license the tool, and not everybody who is interested in 
the generated result, might want to license it, or set it up to run. So I 
though about three projects, which can extract the generated files (java and 
xml) and rebundle them: 

Project /some-tool-plugin
  - the ant plugin

Project /xyz-spec-model
  - the model
  - generates *.java, *.xsd, *.wsdl
  - deploys the generated files to repository as xyz-spec-model.zip (HOWTO-1)

Project /xyz-spec-java
  - retrieves the java files from xyz-spec-model.zip (HOWTO-2)
  - commits the changes to CVS repository (HOWTO-3)
  - deploys xyz-spec-java-src.zip to repository (HOWTO-4)
  - deploys xyz-spec-java-bin.jar to repository

Project /xyz-spec-xsd
  - extracts the XML Schema from xyz-spec-model.zip
  - commits the changes to CVS repository
  - deploys the schema to the repository on its own (feasible???, HOWTO-5)

Project /xyz-spec-wsdl
  - extracts the WSDL from xyz-spec-model.zip
  - commits the changes to CVS repository
  - add some BPL
  - deplosy the WSDL/BPL to the repository on its own

Instead of commiting the changes to CVS, also a remote deploy to a project on 
www.java.net is ok. Whatever is easier.

As you can see, there are a number of steps, which I don't know how to do 
(HOWTO-1 to HOWTO-5), besides I'm even sure if I want it to be like that. 
That's I was asking people who already have a lot of experience with maven, how 
a project like this could be setup best. So all comments, also partial 
solutions to one of the HOWTOs are very welcome!

Kind Regards,
 _         __                _  _
           `-        `
   Andreas Ebbert-Karroum
   Software Design Engineer - Nokia Networks Services / Middleware 
   phone: +49-211-94123928, fax: +49-211-9412-3838
   Heltorfer Straße 1, 40472 Düsseldorf, Germany 

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