We are using maven to build some war and ear files for weblogic. To catch
errors early we aree precompiling the ears and wars using a inhouse written
weblogic.appc plugin. Two things are a bit annoying :-)

1 The ear and war plugin always overwrites each file, I have tracked this
behaviuor to a org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils class. Is it possible to
change the behaviuor of this class (add another method) that uses timestamps
a la Ant?

2 There would be nice with a phase between 'test' and 'package' where the
war/ear would be exploded. Maybe 'mvn assemble'? Then I could call my plugin
in that phase and the package would basically just jar the thing together.
It would also make development quicker because you could use 'mvn assemble'
to deploy your ear/war in an exploded state in your


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