Thanks for the reply.

I'm afraid I still can't get this to work.

The page you refer to gives instructions for using a remote (internal) repository from within an existing project, but not when creating a new project from an archetype.

As you say, it looks as though I need to add something to my (user or global) settings.xml, as desribed in mini/guide-multiple-repositories.html .

So, I put the following into my ~/.m2/settings.xml:

          <name>Internal Repository</name>

When I run 'mvn archetype:create ...' or 'mvn -Pdevt-profile ...' it attempts to download the archetype from maven2, and appears to have no knowledge of the repository specified above.

PLEASE COULD SOMEBODY CHECK THAT THIS DOES IN FACT WORK for maven 2.0.2, making sure that they are not in fact downloading the archetype from their local repository.



On 10 Mar 2006, at 00:25, John Tolentino wrote:

Hi Rob,

This might help: introduction-to-repositories.html

If you've already done that, then just include your internal repository in your settings.xml repositories section and use the archetype.

- John

Rob Dickens wrote:

Dear list,

Using the instructions on the Guide to Creating Archetypes webpage, I have created an archetype, and deployed it to my internal repository (file:///usr/local/mvnrep say).

Please could someone let me in on how to now access it.

Many thanks,


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