You have to declare it as mirror of central in your settings.xml file.
It is very important to understand that a proxy is not a true
repository. It is always confused because a lot of people share their
proxy *cache* (where the artifacts are copied) and their internal
corporation repository in case their internet access go down.
Well that's what I do.

On 3/11/06, Khin, Gerald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm new m2 and maven-proxy and struggling to get it working.
> If I call "mvn clean", then the console debug output shows:
> [INFO] artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin: checking for 
> updates from wollox-plugin-repo
> [DEBUG] repository metadata for: 'artifact 
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin' could not be found on repository
> : wollox-plugin-repo
> [INFO] artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin: checking for 
> updates from central
> [DEBUG] maven-clean-plugin: resolved to version 2.1 from repository central
> [DEBUG] Trying repository central
> Downloading: 
> 703b downloaded
> ...
> It appears that my maven-proxy instance was tried to be used, but that 
> something went wrong there so that things were retrieved from central at the 
> end . The console output of maven-proxy is:
> Y:\maven-proxy>java -jar maven-proxy-standalone-0.2-app.jar 
> maven-proxy Unversioned
> 2006-03-11 16:44:06,406 [INFO ] proxy.config.RepoConfiguration  - Disabling 
> snapshot cache
> 2006-03-11 16:44:06,421 [INFO ] proxy.config.RepoConfiguration  - Disabling 
> snapshot cache
> 2006-03-11 16:44:06,421 [INFO ] proxy.config.RepoConfiguration  - 
> Repo[www-ibiblio-org]: Enabling cache with period of 3
> 600 seconds
> 2006-03-11 16:44:06,421 [INFO ] proxy.config.RepoConfiguration  - 
> Repo[dist-codehaus-org]: Enabling cache with period of
>  3600 seconds
> Saving repository at U:///Modules/maven/remote-repo
> Scanning repository: file:///U:///Modules/maven/remote-repo
> Scanning repository: file:///./target/repo-local
> Scanning repository:
> Scanning repository:
> Starting...
> Prefix: 'repository'
> Started.
> Add the following to your ~/ file:
>    maven.repo.remote=http://localhost:1516/repository
> The proxy can be managed at http://localhost:1516
> The repository can be browsed at http://localhost:1516/repository
> Repository searching is enabled.
> 2006-03-11 16:44:48,281 [INFO ] proxy.servlets.RepositoryServlet  - Received 
> request: /org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-clean-plugin/maven-metadata.xml
> 2006-03-11 16:44:48,296 [DEBUG] proxy.engine.DownloadEngine  - Request: 
> source=, 
> path=/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-clean-plugin/maven-metadata.xml, 
> lastModified=-1, headOnly=false, ifModifiedSince=-1
> 2006-03-11 16:44:48,296 [WARN ] proxy.engine.DownloadEngine  - Neither 
> If-Modified-Since nor Last-Modified are set
> 2006-03-11 16:44:48,296 [DEBUG] proxy.config.FileRepoConfiguration  - 
> Repo[global]: Checking last modified time for 
> U:\Modules\maven\remote-repo\org\apache\maven\plugins\maven-clean-plugin\maven-metadata.xml
> 2006-03-11 16:44:48,312 [DEBUG] proxy.config.FileRepoConfiguration  - 
> Repo[local-repo]: Checking last modified time for 
> .\target\repo-local\org\apache\maven\plugins\maven-clean-plugin\maven-metadata.xml
> 2006-03-11 16:44:48,312 [DEBUG] components.impl.DefaultSnapshotCache  - 
> Unable to find 
> /org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-clean-plugin/maven-metadata.xml in snapshot 
> cache
> 2006-03-11 16:44:48,312 [INFO ] proxy.config.HttpRepoConfiguration  - 
> Repo[www-ibiblio-org]: Checking last modified time for 
> 2006-03-11 16:44:48,875 [INFO ] components.impl.DefaultSnapshotCache  - 
> Adding /org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-clean-plugin/maven-metadata.xml to 
> snapshot cache
> 2006-03-11 16:44:48,875 [DEBUG] components.impl.DefaultSnapshotCache  - 
> Unable to find 
> /org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-clean-plugin/maven-metadata.xml in snapshot 
> cache
> 2006-03-11 16:44:48,875 [INFO ] proxy.config.HttpRepoConfiguration  - 
> Repo[dist-codehaus-org]: Checking last modified time for 
> 2006-03-11 16:44:49,218 [INFO ] components.impl.DefaultSnapshotCache  - 
> Adding /org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-clean-plugin/maven-metadata.xml to 
> snapshot cache
> 2006-03-11 16:44:49,218 [INFO ] proxy.engine.DownloadEngine  - Artifact not 
> found: /org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-clean-plugin/maven-metadata.xml
> ...
> What could I have done wrong?
> My pom.xml looks like this:
>   <pluginRepositories>
>     <pluginRepository>
>       <id>wollox-plugin-repo</id>
>       <url>http://localhost:1516/repository</url>
>       <snapshots>
>         <enabled>true</enabled>
>       </snapshots>
>       <releases>
>         <enabled>true</enabled>
>       </releases>
>       <layout>default</layout>
>     </pluginRepository>
>   </pluginRepositories>
> Regards
> Gerald

Alexandre Poitras
Québec, Canada

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