Hello Guys,

Im having a doub that would like to ask you, Im an AndroMDA (
http://www.andromda.org), this guys use maven to generate their MDa
projects. Recently thay provided a plugin for m2, but to use it I have to
download the entire sources and compile them myself using m2 (Not big deal
but when using m1 I only needed to download a plugin.

Im pasting below my original question and the answer to that:


Joined: 17 May 2005
Posts: 172
Location: AsunciĆ³n - Paraguay
Sat Mar 11, 2006 1:26 pm    Post subject: [image: Reply with
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 Hello Guys,

I have a doub about m2 usage, as you AndroMDA guys are the only ones I know
using it I'm sure you could help

See, in M1 you needed to download andromdapp plugin to be able to generate a
M1 project (maven plugin:download), after generating the project M1
automaticaly downloaded every dependency needed to the local repository and
that was it.

In M2 things seem to work in a diferent way, the plugin download mechanism
seems to be a missing feature, or am I missing something?

How to get andromdapp in m2 (Is it mandatory to download andromda-all from
CVS? or is there another way?).

Thanks in advance!
Diego Bendlin   Back to
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Sat Mar 11, 2006 3:13 pm    Post subject: [image: Reply with
 Yeah its necessary to build andromda-all from CVS, for some reason maven2
seems to have issues with downloading and installing a plugin with groupIds
other than "org.apache.maven.plugins" and the mojo groupId for codehaus
(can't remember what it is). I haven't had time much to look into why it
won't work, maybe you can ask the maven team why? Until we figure out why,
you'll need to build the src yourself so that it will be installed.
Chad Brandon - chad [at] andromda [dot] org
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I wasn't sure if this question should be for developers or users so I copied
this mail to both.

Any help regarding this doub will be great!

Thanks in advance for your help and support

Kind Regards,

Diego Bendlin

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