Have you added a server section in your settings.xml file ? It is
mandatory to authenticate correctly.

On 3/13/06, Venkatagopalaraju <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Maven Users,
>       When I am trying to generate site(site:deployment), getting Connection 
> refused. What I did is...
> In Pom.xml, I added as
> <distributionManagement>
>   <site>
>     <id>www.realsoftinc.com</id>
>     <name>Deployment Server</name>
>     <url>scp://www.realsoftinc.com/fullsite</url>
>   </site>
> </distributionManagement>
>  <build>
>     ......
> <plugin>
>        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>        <artifactId>maven-site-plugin</artifactId>
>        <configuration>
>          <templateDirectory>${basedir}</templateDirectory>
>          <template>maven-site.vm</template>
>        </configuration>
>       </plugin>
> </build>
> <reporting>
> <plugin>
>         <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>         <artifactId>maven-project-info-reports-plugin</artifactId>
>       </plugin>
> </reporting>
> These are main tags for site generation, which I added in pom.xml. But 
> problem is when I try to add below tags
> distributionManagement>
>   <site>
>     <id>www.realsoftinc.com</id>
>     <name>Deployment Server</name>
>     <url>scp://www.realsoftinc.com/fullsite</url>
>   </site>
> </distributionManagement>
> in setting.xml, it is generating error. When I try to run without 
> adding(above tags) in setting.xml, getting following error.
> Could Anyone please let me know, where I did worng...? Please help me out 
> from this problem, because this task is urgent for our project.
> [INFO] [site:deploy]
>  Session error: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Session.connect: 
> java.net.Connect
> Exception: Connection refused: connect
> scp://www.realsoftinc.com/fullsite - Session: Disconnecting
> scp://www.realsoftinc.com/fullsite - Session: Disconnected
> [INFO] 
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---
> [INFO] 
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---
> [INFO] Error uploading site
> Embedded error: Cannot connect. Reason: Session.connect: 
> java.net.ConnectExcepti
> on: Connection refused: connect

Alexandre Poitras
Québec, Canada

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