the suite xml overrides all other settings in the plugin, so since you
have the classes element commented out, nothing is run.

- Brett

On 3/16/06, Marco Mistroni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
>  i have recently used the testng plugin for Maven2, and i think i have found
> a bug :(
> here's my pom
> <project>
>    <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
>    <groupId>root</groupId>
>    <artifactId>ejbs</artifactId>
>    <packaging>jar</packaging>
>    <version>1.0</version>
>    <name>enterprise java beans</name>
>    <parent>
>       <groupId>root</groupId>
>       <artifactId>project</artifactId>
>       <version>1.0</version>
>    </parent>
>    <dependencies>
>       <dependency>
>          <groupId>root</groupId>
>          <artifactId>shared</artifactId>
>       </dependency>
>       <dependency>
>          <groupId>geronimo-spec</groupId>
>          <artifactId>geronimo-spec-j2ee</artifactId>
>      <scope>provided</scope>
>        </dependency>
>        <dependency>
>          <groupId>jboss</groupId>
>          <artifactId>jboss-ejb3x</artifactId>
>          <version>4.0.4</version>
>          <scope>system</scope>
>          <systemPath>${basedir}\lib\jboss-ejb3x-4.0.4.jar</systemPath>
>       </dependency>
>       <dependency>
>          <groupId>jboss</groupId>
>          <artifactId>ejb3-persistence</artifactId>
>          <version>4.0.4</version>
>          <scope>system</scope>
>          <systemPath>${basedir}\lib\ejb3-persistence-4.0.4.jar</systemPath>
>       </dependency>
>       <dependency>
>          <groupId>org.testng</groupId>
>          <artifactId>testng</artifactId>
>          <version>4.6.1</version>
>          <scope>test</scope>
>          <classifier>jdk15</classifier>
>       </dependency>
>    </dependencies>
>    <build>
>       <plugins>
>          <plugin>
>             <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
>             <configuration>
>                <encoding>iso-8859-1</encoding>
>             </configuration>
>          </plugin>
>          <plugin>
>         <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
>         <configuration>
>          <suiteXmlFiles><suiteXmlFile>testng.xml
> </suiteXmlFile></suiteXmlFiles>
>         </configuration>
>        </plugin>
>       </plugins>
>    </build>
> </project>
> Although the testng.xml has this content
> <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM ""; >
> <suite name="Example" >
>   <test name="Simple example" >
>     <!--<classes>
>       <class name="example1.Test1" />
>       <class name="example1.EJB3Container" />
>     </classes>-->
>     <groups>
>        <run>
>           <include name="integration.ejb3"/>
>        </run>
>     </groups>
>     <packages>
>         <package name="example1"/>
>     </packages>
>   </test>
> </suite>
> This test (the only one present so far) does not belong to the group
> configured
> in testng
> package example1;
> import org.testng.annotations.Configuration;
> import org.testng.annotations.ExpectedExceptions;
> import org.testng.annotations.Test;
> /**
>  * This class
>  *
>  * @author Cedric Beust, Apr 26, 2004
>  *
>  */
> @Test(groups = { "functest" }, enabled = true )
> public class Test1 {
>   @Configuration(beforeTestClass = true)
>   public static void setupClass() {
>     ppp("SETTING UP THE CLASS");
>   }.......
> anyone could help/have a look?   i would do it myself but i have never
> debugged a maven plugin...
> regards
>  marco

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