Probably just a misconfiguration.

File a bug report in JIRA and a dev should take a look at it.


On 3/16/06, Olivier Lamy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Trying
> I have the following response :
> An Exception Has Occurred
> Access to "maven/components/trunk/maven-core" is forbidden.
> HTTP Response Status
> 403 Forbidden
> Python Traceback
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "/usr/local/viewcvs-1.0-dev/lib/", line 3351, in main
>    request.run_viewcvs()
>  File "/usr/local/viewcvs-1.0-dev/lib/", line 228, in
> run_viewcvs
>    % self.where, '403 Forbidden')
> ViewCVSException: 403 Forbidden: Access to
> "maven/components/trunk/maven-core" is forbidden.
> Why ?
> - Olivier
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