I have made my first maven2.0 plugin which is supposed to generate
sources from a descriptor. Everything works ok as far as generation is
concerned and I followed
http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-generating-sources.html as
closely as possible. BTW, I was very pleased with the ease with which I
created and inserted my plugin into the lifecycle : compared with the
pain and hassle of maven1.X jelly scripts and byzantine project
layout, it is  direct leap from walking to ferrari driving !

The (very small !) problem is : nothing gets compiled if I put the relative path
which is by default
${project.build.directory}/generated-sources/fidl. I had to write :


instead of 


Is this a feature, am I missing something ? I would think that the
expression would produce a correct relative path. 

thx for info,
Arnaud Bailly, Dr. - Ingénieur de Recherche 
1, rue de la Cense des Raines
ZAC du Moulin
Tel : (33) 3 28 76 56 76
Mob : (33) 6 17 12 19 78
Fax : (33) 3 28 76 57 00
Web : http://www.norsys.fr

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