Hi there,

I just read http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MAVENUSER/Creating+the
+repositories , a pretty good document on policies for multiple
repositories within the corporation.

Before reading this document, I basically had my own way of working,
which is pretty ok I guess but may deviate from what the rest of the
community is doing. 

Now I started to wonder if there are any common practices for the Web
Server root (I'm using aliases instead) and the policies for providing
access to the appropriate locations on the filesystem. (I have defined a
couple of UNIX groups, in order to differentiate, but doing that I
introduced by own group names, and it would be nice if we could somehow
align that.)

At this stage, I have the following groups: mvnrepo and mvnsnap; users
in the first group are allowed to upload stuff to the internal
repository, users in the second group are allowed to upload snapshot

I would be interested to hear about your opinions.



Wilfred Springer | Software Architect | TomTom |

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