Have you tried putting it in ...<login>\.m2\conf?

Am Dienstag, 21. März 2006 11:45 schrieb Pete:
> Hi there I'm used to Maven2 picking up the settings.xml from
> C:\Documents and Settings\<login>\.m2
> when in a windows environment, however I'm using Maven2 at a new company
> now, and for some reason the user's settings.xml doesn't seem to be being
> picked up.
> I have
> <profiles>
>  <profile>
>    <id>developer_me</id>
>    <properties>
>      <JBossHome>D:/java/jboss-4.0/server/default/deploy</JBossHome>
>    </properties>
>   </profile>
>  </profiles>
>   <activeProfiles>
>       <activeProfile>developer_me</activeProfile>
>   </activeProfiles>
> yet when I do
> mvn projecthelp:active-profiles
> the profile isn't listed and the properties are unset.
> Any idea how I can verify where Maven2 is looking for the user's
> settings.xml.
> I did create the .m2 directory and settings.xml manually.
> PS. The conf/settings.xml is working.
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