On 3/21/06, Pete <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1) I am using  assembly:assembly  during the normal lifecycle 'package'
> phase, on a Maven2 submodule's pom
> with a descriptor as follows :-
> <assembly>
>  <id>dep</id>
>  <formats>
>   <format>zip</format>
>  </formats>
>  <includeBaseDirectory>false</includeBaseDirectory>
>  <fileSets>
>   <fileSet>
>    <directory>target</directory>
>    <outputDirectory></outputDirectory>
>    <includes>
>     <include>*.ear</include>
>     <include>*.jar</include>
>    </includes>
>   </fileSet>
>   <fileSet>
>    <directory>src/main/assembly/resources</directory>
>    <outputDirectory></outputDirectory>
>    <includes>
>     <include>*.xml</include>
>    </includes>
>   </fileSet>
>  </fileSets>
> </assembly>
> All works fine if this is executed from the submodule's pom.xml directory,
> but if it is run via the reactor from parent project, then the
> value for <directory>target</directory>
> becomes the location relative to the parent pom (which obviously doesn't
> have a target directory)
> How can I make the target relative to the child project always ?
> Here's the child's pom.xml part :-
> <plugin>
>  <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
>  <executions>
>   <execution>
>    <phase>package</phase>
>    <configuration>
>     <descriptors>
>      <descriptor>src/main/assembly/descriptor.xml</descriptor>
>     </descriptors>
>     <finalName>${project.build.finalName}</finalName>
>    </configuration>
>    <goals>
>     <goal>assembly</goal>
>    </goals>
>   </execution>
>  </executions>
> </plugin>

I believe this bug was fixed on the trunk 5 months ago. Unfortunately
the fix didn't make it into the 2.0.x branch. Try using  the
2.1-SNAPSHOT version from the snapshots repository.


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