Hello Peter

Right now I'm working in multiple output directory assignment for the
hibernate-plugin and also automatic discovery for annotated classes when you
want to build the hibernate.cfg.xml file from annotated classes, so it
should ready by the end of week most likely


Johann Reyes

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter L. Berghold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 4:39 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Best practices with respect to hibernate. 

Hash: SHA1

OK... I'm slow... it is taking me some doing to get my mind around how
maven does things.

I've finally got the hibernate plugin generating my pojos for me from
configuration files.  It wants to put the resultant pojos in
/target/hibernate-tools which would be fine except when I do an install
the class files do not show up in my jar file as they should.

What are other folks using hibernate doing in terms of setting up goals?

My goal here is to define my ORM using *hbm.xml files and generate my
pojos from there, compile those along with some other glue classes and
make a package for my webapp to use.

I've already got the multiple module thing working for me.

I tried overriding the outputDirectory configuration value and got
squawked at by maven that this is a read only value. (darn it!)

- --
Peter L. Berghold                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it."
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