  I'm using Maven2 to build a war for my webapp. It builds fine using mvn  
install but when I try to deploy it in my servlet container (tomcat  5028) the 
app will not load and  it gives me an error invalid  header field. I looked at 
the manifest file produced by the build  process and noticed the description 
was multiple lines. I changed that  and it is still giving me the error. Below 
is the generated file, can  anyone see anything wrong? 
  Manifest-Version: 1.0
  Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
  Created-By: Apache Maven
  Built-By: Duncan Krebs
  Build-Jdk: 1.4.2_06
  Extension-Name: duncware-com-war
  Specification-Title: MyDomain.com
  Specification-Vendor: MyCompany Inc
  Implementation-Vendor: MyCompany Inc
  Implementation-Title: artifact-war
  Implementation-Version: 1.0
  Here is a little bit of the stack trace.... 
  SEVERE: Error in dependencyCheck
  java.io.IOException: invalid header field
      at java.util.jar.Attributes.read(Attributes.java:383)
  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. 
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