On 4/4/06, dan tran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <packaging>pom</packaging>

Yep, that did the trick. Thanks!

if you want to deploy your .swf file, use build-helper-maven-plugin to
> attach
> that artifact to the project to be deploy/install

Hmm, I've been using deploy:deploy-file up 'til now, but I'm far from au
fait with respect to the way deployment works. Could you clarify, please?

Martin Cooper

> On 4/4/06, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I have a project that generates a Flash SWF file as its artifact. At the
> > moment, I have the 'packaging' value set to 'jar', for lack of a better
> > value. The problem is that this causes an empty jar file to be created,
> > alongside my SWF file. However, I don't see how I can avoid this, since
> > the
> > other "built in" packaging types (e.g. war, ear) are no better suited to
> > my
> > needs.
> >
> > My POM is very simple, comprising only the use of the dependency and
> exec
> > plugins. Looking at the M2 docs, the only way I see to have a custom
> > packaging is to define it within a custom plugin. However, I don't need
> > any
> > additional plugins, and that seems like a complicated way to solve a
> > simple
> > problem. Is there some other way I can either define a custom packaging
> > (or
> > just a lifecycle), or even just tell the jar packaging not to do most of
> > what it does by default?
> >
> > --
> > Martin Cooper
> >
> >

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