We have 2 source trees (trunk for 1.1 development suspended until the release of 1.0.3 and branches/continuum-1.0.x for 1.0.3 development)


Dixit, Sandeep (ProSource Solutions) a écrit :
So the source tree is still at 1.0?

-----Original Message-----
From: Emmanuel Venisse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 3:57 PM
To: continuum-users@maven.apache.org
Subject: Re: continuum build fails

Is it a war of continuum you try to do? In this case, it isn't possible actually. Actually, Continuum is a standalone server, a webapp will be available for 1.1


Dixit, Sandeep (ProSource Solutions) a écrit :

I do see cvsnt getting activated on my workstation. What versions of these tools do I need?
Also, just to give you a brief idea, my goal is to build a war that we can 
deploy in WebSphere 6. How should I approach this? Please advise.

Thanks in advance,

-----Original Message-----
From: Emmanuel Venisse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 12:01 PM
To: continuum-users@maven.apache.org
Subject: Re: continuum build fails

ok, you must have ant, maven, mvn, cvs and svn in your path.

and it seems you have a lock on C:\svnmvn\maven\continuum\continuum-core-it\target\it\cvs-root, perhaps a dos console open in it


Dixit, Sandeep (ProSource Solutions) a écrit :


-----Original Message-----
From: Emmanuel Venisse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 11:35 AM
To: continuum-users@maven.apache.org
Subject: Re: continuum build fails

send me the content of your surefire-reports directory.

An other solution is to use snapshot builds : http://maven.zones.apache.org/~continuum/builds/branches/continuum-1.0.x/


Dixit, Sandeep (ProSource Solutions) a écrit :

Here is log from today's build...

2006-04-06 11:12:12,974 [main] INFO  SCHEMA                         - Catalog ""
, Schema "SA" initialised - managing 26 classes
2006-04-06 11:12:13,489 [main] INFO  Continuum                      -  6:Ant CVS
2006-04-06 11:12:13,489 [main] INFO  Continuum                      - Starting C
2006-04-06 11:12:13,489 [main] INFO  Continuum                      -
2006-04-06 11:12:13,489 [main] INFO  Continuum                      -
2006-04-06 11:12:13,489 [main] INFO  Continuum                      - < Continuu
m 1.1-SNAPSHOT started! >
2006-04-06 11:12:13,489 [main] INFO  Continuum                      - ----------
2006-04-06 11:12:13,489 [main] INFO  Continuum                      -        \
2006-04-06 11:12:13,489 [main] INFO  Continuum                      -         \
2006-04-06 11:12:13,489 [main] INFO  Continuum                      -
(__)\       )\/\
2006-04-06 11:12:13,489 [main] INFO  Continuum                      -
  ||----w |
2006-04-06 11:12:13,489 [main] INFO  Continuum                      -
  ||     ||
2006-04-06 11:12:13,489 [main] INFO  Continuum                      -
2006-04-06 11:12:13,489 [main] INFO  Continuum                      -
2006-04-06 11:12:13,489 [main] INFO  ContinuumInitializer           - Continuum
initializer running ...
2006-04-06 11:12:15,739 [main] INFO  SchedulesActivator             - Activating
schedules ...
2006-04-06 11:12:15,755 [main] WARN  ContinuumScheduler             - Will not s
chedule this job as a job {DEFAULT_SCHEDULE:DEFAULT} already exists.
2006-04-06 11:12:15,755 [main] INFO  SchedulesActivator             - null
2006-04-06 11:12:15,755 [main] INFO  PlexusContainer                - Loading on
start [role,roleHint]: [org.codehaus.plexus.taskqueue.execution.TaskQueueExecut
2006-04-06 11:12:15,755 [main] WARN  RecipientSource                - Using '${m
ail.override.to.address}' as the to address for all emails.
2006-04-06 11:12:15,755 [main] INFO  TaskQueueExecutor:build-project - Starting
task executor, thread name 'build-project'.
2006-04-06 11:12:15,755 [main] INFO  PlexusContainer                - Loading on
start [role,roleHint]: [org.codehaus.plexus.taskqueue.execution.TaskQueueExecut
2006-04-06 11:12:15,755 [main] INFO  TaskQueueExecutor:check-out-project - Start
ing task executor, thread name 'check-out-project'.
[2006.04.06 11:12:15] Integration test settings
[2006.04.06 11:12:15] IT root: C:\svnmvn\maven\continuum\continuum-core-it\targe
[2006.04.06 11:12:15] Remoting method: jvm
[2006.04.06 11:12:15] Store implementation: class org.apache.maven.continuum.sto
[surefire] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Time elapsed: 16.499 sec <<<<<<
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] There are test failures.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 7 minutes 33 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Apr 06 11:12:16 EDT 2006
[INFO] Final Memory: 61M/63M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

-----Original Message-----
From: Emmanuel Venisse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 9:05 AM
To: continuum-users@maven.apache.org
Subject: Re: continuum build fails

In console, you must have a line with "<<<<<<<< FAILURE !!" or you can look in continuum-core-it/target/surefire-reports


Dixit, Sandeep (ProSource Solutions) a écrit :

Where does it write the log? I am not able to find it in the continuum 
directory where I checked out the code and doing the build.


-----Original Message-----
From: Emmanuel Venisse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 4:03 PM
To: continuum-users@maven.apache.org
Subject: Re: continuum build fails

what is the test that failed?


Dixit, Sandeep (ProSource Solutions) a écrit :

I am getting the following error message while trying to build on winxp
machine. How do I resolve this?

Thanks in advance,

[2006.04.05 14:55:39] Integration test settings
[2006.04.05 14:55:39] IT root: C:\continuum\continuum-core-it\target\it
[2006.04.05 14:55:39] Remoting method: jvm
[2006.04.05 14:55:39] Store implementation: class
[surefire] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Time elapsed: 7.938 sec
[INFO] There are test failures.
[INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
[INFO] Total time: 7 minutes 5 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Wed Apr 05 14:55:39 EDT 2006
[INFO] Final Memory: 60M/63M

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