On 4/7/06, Lee Meador <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Now I would like to do something (that's the part for which I don't know the
> name) that will send the tar.gz file to an internal Solaris server via FTP.
> I just want to FTP the one file into a particular folder over there. Its the
> home folder for the ftp user if that matters. (/export/home/ifs)
> I've no clue how to do this or even what it is called. Help?

I have a vague idea that something called "wagon" might be useful
here.  However... my attempts to find documentation that would confirm
or deny its existence and potential usefulness were not successful.

I'm fairly sure that the deploy plugin is for deploying to
repositories, with the accompanying directory structure and metadata
xml files scattered around.

 * http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-deploy-plugin/index.html


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