Does that mean that only one checkout can be running? What happens if a
checkout takes for example hours?


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Trygve Laugstøl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 9:58 AM
>Subject: Re: Is scm-maven thread safe?
>On Tue, 2006-04-11 at 07:38, Zsolt wrote:
>> Hi,
>> we plan to use scm-maven from tomcat. Are scm-maven and maven thread
>The short answer is: no. Maven SCM is not thread safe, most of Maven
>*should* be, but there's no real guarantee for that. In particular the
>plug-ins might not be thread safe.
>If you want to embed Maven SCM and/or Maven itself I would recommend that
>you write a simple thread that takes commands from a servlet/jsp/web action
>and builds stuff in a serial ordering.
>Continuum does this all over the place so you can take a look at how it
>does the queuing and execution.

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