Thanks John, But the problem is that when I'm want to redeploy the site,
cause has changed. I cant because the folder already exist and don't
overwrite it, so I'm having an old-date site publish on my web server.. so
how do i make site-deploy again to get the latest site on my web-server?
automatically whit out doing any administrative work as (move the folder, or
change the POM.xml) cause I'm using continuum and the idea its let it
running the build at night and get the site every day update.

Hope explain better my problem.
And thanks for any help

On 4/11/06, John Casey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are you wondering why the deployment target location isn't removed before
> re-deploying the site? That operates on the assumption that all the
> content
> in or under that remote location is published by the current project, or
> that you will be fine with redeploying all of the content when you do this
> site-deploy...which IMO is dangerous.
> For example, Maven itself publishes site content to multiple locations,
> with
> the topmost being the main site project. Modules publish their reports,
> etc.
> into subdirectories of the remote location referenced by the site
> project...if we removed this top directory, we'd not only lose all of the
> reports published by the modules, but all of the historical versions of
> these reports too. This is a lot to republish.
> Perhaps an optional clean parameter would help, but I'm not sure whether
> the
> underlying APIs currently support it.
> HTH,
> John
> On 4/11/06, Chucho < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I'm using site-deploy on maven whit continuum and its work fine, but
> when
> > I'm do it again and the folder already exits, the site can be deploy,
> I'll
> > use clean, but don't clean the deploy site. if a change the POM
> > <distributionManagement>
> > section then it would make the deploy whit out problem, but i want the
> > deploy overwrites the file or delete the site deploy folder and deploy
> > again. i have check the permissions on the folder and have write
> > permissions.
> >
> > the command its:
> > clean install site-deploy
> > and the arguments:
> > --batch-mode --non-recursive
> >
> > How can i do to make site-deploy once and again on the same folder?
> >
> >
> > POM.xml
> >
> > <distributionManagement>
> >     <site>
> >       <id>WNserver</id>
> >       <url>file:C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\continuum\prueba2</url>
> >     </site>
> >   </distributionManagement>
> >
> >

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