Yes, but only after it complained it couldn't find them the first time. 
Are you saying that if I just put these as dependencies, I don't need to 
download the jars 
seperately and install them manually into my local respository?

"Arik Kfir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
04/12/2006 08:27 AM
Please respond to
"Maven Users List" <>

"Maven Users List" <>

Re: Question on mvn compile

Hi MTedesco,

Did you specify them as dependencies in your pom.xml file?

On 4/12/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
> Can someone explain why during mvn compile, that librarires from apache
> commons, i.e. commons-digester and commons-logging are not
> retrieved automatically as a plugin? I can see why licensing for mail 
> activation packages from sun need to be installed manually into your 
> repository, but how come these too? Am I not putting something in my
> dependency tags that will first look at the apache site or ibiblio?
> Thanks, Mike Tedesco

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