On 4/13/06, Kevin Galligan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was wondering if there is some utility out there for this.
> Build a maven jar package for a simple 1-off app.  Could be something
> bigger, but basically you want to execute this on the command line.  What I
> do now is run assembly with 'jar-with-dependencies' (if that's not exactly
> it, you know what I mean).  Then I manually set up my command line with...
> java -cp target\whatever-1.0-SNAPSHOT-with-dependencies.jar
> com.package.Apparg0 arg1 ...
> The problem here is that you have to have the full path info for the
> classpath, and always have to run the assembly deal.  I was thinking one or
> both of two things.
> mvn-run groupId=com.example.example-app artifactId=example-app
> com.package.App arg0 arg1
> The 'mvn-run' code would add to the classpath according to the group and
> package info in the repository.
> It might also be possible to add groupId and artifactId as environment
> variables and just run...
> mvn-run com.package.App arg0 arg1
> Obviously version would be an optional argument.
> (I just went and checked the maven bin folder to make sure this exact thing
> wasn't already there)
> Ok.  The other one. Closely related, but I'm not sure of the value.  An
> execute plugin.
> mvn exe:exe -DappClass=com.package.App -Dargruments='arg0 arg1'
> I've been up really late working, so this might be nonsense, but I know this
> is a common useage patter that I have and it gets clunky because of the
> classpath, etc.  Any thoughts?

I use a solution based on assembly + custom generic scripts.
The assembly packages my app into

and the scripts (.sh and .bat) automatically add lib/*.jar to my CLASSPATH

Otherwise, as Emmanuel pointed, the exec plugin might help you.
Configure the plugin in your <build> section and specify your
arguments on the command line using the appropriate property.


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