I have my cvs repository in C:/viewcvsinstall/CVSROOT and it has test1 
directory for my projects. I have defined following <scm> tag in my project's 
pom.xml but I get invalid scm tag error.
While if I do checkout with following(at command prompt) then it works fine. We 
can see URL is same.
mvn scm:checkout 
Please suggest the solution.
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Lee Meador
Sent: Tue 4/18/2006 11:25 AM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: Help me about changes plugin

Put this in your pom.xml to add a report showing what has changed in the
version control during the last 30 days. There are some config settings you
can add that change just what is shown in the report.


When you do a mvn site, it will generate the reports as html and put them
under the 'target' folder.

You also have to be sure and set the <scm> section in your pom so it knows
how to talk to the version control:


You can find the right connection url by going to a blank working folder and
doing this from command line:

mvn scm:checkout -DconnectionUrl="scm:svn:svn://sub..."

with the same thing as is in the <connection> tag. When it checks out your
project, you have it right.

There used to be some info at http://mojo.codehaus.org/*changelog*-*maven*-*
but it seems to point back to
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-changelog-plugin now and that doesn't
have anything there.

I think the 'changes' plugin is used to generate a page for the site showing
what has changed between version 1.1 and 1.2 for example. I'm not really

-- Lee Meador

On 4/18/06, Vijay Shanker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As per requirement, I have to prepares reports about changes in files
> between current version and previous version of files so could any body
> suggest me the approach for achieving this goal.
> I got to know from maven website that there are two plugins neams as
> "changes" and "changelog" but when I click on those, I get page not found
> problem.
> Looking for the help.
> Thanks in advance.
> Vijay
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-- Lee Meador
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