1- Continuum can run as a service only with a real account
2- Continuum 1.0.2 doesn't load correctly settings because it use old maven api. This problem is fixed in 1.0.3


Carlos Henriquez a écrit :
Hi all, I'm using Continuum with Maven 2.0.2 and I'm trying to use my local
settings but I can't.

There is no user folder for Continuum because it runs as a service. I don't
want to use global settings (mavenDir/conf/settings.xml) but local settings.
Something like ~/.m2/settings.xml

I tried to run Continuum as a service with a Account specially made for it
(in the service properties) but nothing happen. Maven didn't see the
~/.m2/settings.xml file. Maybe the account wasn't set up properly.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I can't see it.

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