I'm building a Maven 2 Plugin (as a MOJO) and I have a parameter that's
a java.io.File array and I'm trying to figure out how I would create an
expression for passing this as a system property. Currently, the
parameter is configured as follows.

     * <p>
     * The list of report file paths (relative to the project root).
     * </p>
     * @parameter expression="${reportPaths}"
     * @required
    private File[] reportPaths;

The parameter will get setup as I expect (an array of File instances)
when I use either of the following configurations in a POM.



How would I setup this parameter via a System Property on the command
line? I've tried a couple of things, like the following, but I get an
error about not being able to assign the entry because the input is a
String and the expected class is a File[].

mvn mygroup:myartifact:mygoal -DreportPaths=test_report_1.xml

Additionally, I've tried changing the type to an ArrayList and can setup
the parameter via the POM, but I still can't get the system property to
parse anything.

Any suggestions? Are there any documents for plugin development that are
more detailed than the Mojo API, the development mini guide and the
configuring a plugin mini guide? I've tried searching, but I haven't
found much.



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