Hi Emmanuel, thanks for the quick feedback. My comments inline below: 

>-----Original Message-----
>From: ext Emmanuel Venisse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

>javadocs isn't available online yet. I'll do it asap.

Great :-)

>> I'm using a ssh tunnel, so my server is "localhost", while I assume 
>> that other might directly connect to cvs.dev.java.net. All I 
>could find out now, is that the scm url is only stored in 
>project.scm.developerConnection => Can the scm url be put into 
>the ~/.m2/settings.xml?
>It's possible with a property used in a profile.

I have used neither own properties nor a profile yet, but I will try :-)

>> I tried to validate the scm url with scm:validate and that 
>worked. A scm:status failed first, because it had no 
>connectionUrl set. 
>> => Why does scm:status not look into the 
>project.scm.developerConnection, but only in project.scm.connection?
>project.scm.connection is the default connection used, if you 
>want to use project.scm.developerConnection, you can set 
>connectionType plugin property to developerconnection

Ok, that worked :)

>mvn -X -DconnectionType=developerConnection scm:status

>> => How do I create the ~/.cvspass?
>Maven-SCM create it and add the cvsroot in it if it doesn't exist.
>If you want to create it manually, you'll need to call the cvs 
>login command

Hm :-k but the command above (scm:status) did not create it, but complained 
that it is missing. 

>> => Do I have to install a cvs client in order to use cvs?
>Yes, our pure java cvs provider isn't ready yet.

Can I use cvsnt? Or are there other command line cvs clients for windows? I 
read that it does not take the .cvspass into account. Sorry if thesse questions 
might sound stupid :-/

Kind Regards,
 _         __                _  _
           `-        `
   Andreas Ebbert-Karroum
   Software Design Engineer - Nokia Networks Services / Middleware 
   phone: +49-211-94123928, fax: +49-211-9412-3838
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