Thank you much Tom,

I'm getting there but still stuck. So far I can get maven to pull artifacts 
from maven-proxy while it pulls plugins from the official repo thanx to your 
help. I still can't get the plugins to serve from maven-proxy. I have 
confirmed that maven proxy still is not able to download artifacts from 
Ibiblio. To confirm this I renamed the jaxen folder in maven-proxy's local 
repo and ran my maven build on my client. It pull all of the rest of the 
stuff from maven-proxy and failed when it tried to pull down jaxen. So in 
summary, artifacts placed in maven-proxy's local repo folder can be served 
while remote stuff from Ibiblio cannot be found. Also, my local maven build 
has a problem finding the maven-resource-plugin when I clean my 
~/.m2/repository. Even after using your profiles settings suggestions it 
won't find the plugin. I have confirmed the plugin exists in the maven-proxy 
repo too.

More info that may shed light on things: To load maven-proxy's local repo 
folder I opened a split screen in (KDE) Konqueror and just dragged everything 
from under my ~/.m2/repository folder into the maven-proxy local repository 
folder. I understand there is a difference between maven-proxy's local store 
and the local repository configured for it. The local store is the place 
where it caches artifacts it finds on the internet and the local repository 
is just an extra repository it can go for artifacts. I dropped my 
~/.m2/repository stuff into the local repository not the local store. I also 
noticed the hard fail property on the local repository is configured to true. 
I'm wondering if that is somehow causing maven-proxy to not consider the 
other repositories configured, Ibiblio and codehaus. I might try switchin the 
order of the list to see if that helps any.

If you have any other ideas I could try I'd be more than appreciative. Thanx 
again for all of your help!

Clifton C. Craig, Software Engineer
Intelligent Computer Systems -  A Division of GBG

On Wednesday 26 April 2006 3:51 am, Tom Joad wrote:
> <profiles>
>         <profile>
>                 <id>default-profile</id>
>                 <activation>
>                         <activeByDefault>TRUE</activeByDefault>
>                 </activation>
>                 <pluginRepositories>
>                         <pluginRepository>
>                                 <name>*******</name>
>                                 <url>******</url>
>                                 <id>*******</id>
>                                 <snapshots>
>                                         <enabled>TRUE</enabled>
>                                 </snapshots>
>                         </pluginRepository>
>                 </pluginRepositories>
>         </profile>
> </profiles>

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