If it works under eclipse, it should work under Maven. It sounds
like maybe you didn't do a clean rebuild under Maven and the
join() is still in there.

FYI, please find attached a sample test case that works just
find under Maven.


Julien Henry wrote:

Sorry if I wasn't clear, but I tried without server.getThreadPool().join(), and even if it works with junit eclipse module, it doesn't work with Maven.

Thanks for the site, but I already read it, and it wasn't as clear as your short exemple.

Jan Bartel a écrit :


Sorry, my mistake. You don't need the server.getThreadPool().join().
Just get rid of it and things should work fine.

BTW: If you want JSP support you'll also need to add a <scope>test</scope> dependency for the version of jsp you want to support: 2.0 or 2.1. So you'll need a dependency for either groupId=org.mortbay.jetty artifactId=jsp-2.0 or groupId=org.mortbay.jetty artifactId=jsp-2.1

Oh, and by the way, there is this kind of info on the jetty site:


Julien Henry wrote:

Thanks for this example. It's exactly what I hoped to find on Jetty website.

But I first tried to run the tests with Eclipse, and the process hangs indefinitly on "server.getThreadPool().join(); " I tried to remove this line, and tests are now running fine under eclipse.

But with Maven, I doesn't work. I can see :
[surefire] Running net.sourceforge.jwebunit.AllTestsHtmlUnit
:INFO:  Logging to STDERR via org.mortbay.log.StdErrLog
:INFO: NO JSP Support for /jwebunit, did not find org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet
:INFO:  Started SelectChannelConnector @

and the only way to stop this is to press [Ctrl]+[C]
:INFO:  Shutdown hook executing
:INFO:  Shutdown hook complete
Terminer le programme de commandes (O/N) ? o

How can I make the tests running with Maven ?



Jan Bartel a écrit :


You're not starting jetty6 correctly in the JettySetup setup() method.
You need to do:

Server server = new Server();
XmlConfiguration xmlConfiguration = new XmlConfiguration(jettyConfig);

Instead of running jetty once for all the test cases, you could do a startup and shutdown of Jetty in the individual TestCase setUp()
and tearDown() methods, and have the surefire plugin run **/*Test.java


Julien Henry wrote:

Hi Jan,

Here is currently how it works. I have many JUnit tests. These tests are grouped in a test suite called AllTests.java this way :
public class AllTests extends TestSuite {
   public static Test suite() {
       TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();

       return new JettySetup(suite);

   public static void main(String[] args) {

JettySetup is used to launch Jetty only one time before all tests, and to close it after :
public class JettySetup extends TestSetup {
   private Server jettyServer = null;

   public void setUp() {
       try {
           URL jettyConfig = JettySetup.class
           if(jettyConfig==null) {
fail("Unable to locate jetty-test-config.xml on the classpath");
           jettyServer = new Server(jettyConfig);
       } catch (Exception e) {
           fail("Could not start the Jetty server: " + e);

   public void tearDown() {
       try {
       } catch (InterruptedException e) {
           fail("Jetty server was interrupted: " + e);

With Maven 2, I only select AllTests as test to be launched :

But I see a few drawbacks to this configuration :
- I don't have the detail of each test in Maven report (due to Surefire bug I think) :
 >> [INFO] Generate "Maven Surefire Report" report.
 >> java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "25,814"
>> at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.parseInternal(Parser2.java:691)
 >> ...
 >> java.lang.NullPointerException
>> at org.codehaus.mojo.surefire.SurefireReportGenerator.constructTestCasesSection(SurefireReportGenerator.java:344)

- I would like to run all tests 2 times, with a different parameter, but without restarting Jetty. And if I can have a clear report that show the number of success/failure for each value of the parameter, it would be perfect.

Jan Bartel a écrit :


Embedding Jetty6 is pretty simple. The jetty.xml config file is written in a straightforward mapping from the java API to xml syntax. There is the
beginnings of a guide to embedding jetty also on the wiki at:

Jetty is often used in the unit tests of other projects - a jetty Server instance is started in the test setup and stopped in the test teardown.

However, if you want to use the plugin instead, you simply include the relevant lines into your pom.xml file, and invoke it:

 mvn jetty6:run

When you want to stop it, you <cntrl-c> it.

There is all the information on how to configure and run the plugin



Julien Henry wrote:

Hi Jan,

I tried to migrate to Jetty 6, but there are too few doc about how to use embedded Jetty. I discovered that a Jetty6 plugin exists, and I think it could be a good thing to start jetty before the JUnit tests, and to stop Jetty after, because it exactly what I want. Do you know a simple way to do this ?



Jan Bartel a écrit :

Hi Julien.

Jetty 5.x is built by ant, but the artifacts are made available on
ibiblio. The jetty5.x series, whilst the current stable series is
about to be superceded by the 6.x series.

Jetty 6.x is built by maven2 and has full poms with dependencies
listed which maven2 will transitively resolve for you.

I suggest you switch to jetty 6.x as 1) it is built by maven2 and
2) anyway has many many less dependencies.


Julien Henry wrote:


I'm using Jetty to test my project. I have this in my pom (I use JSP) :

But the server can't be launched. I discovered that Jetty need org.apache.commons-logging. So I added :

But why don't put commons-logging as a dependency of Jetty in the pom on ibiblio ?



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package test;

import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.mortbay.jetty.*;
import org.mortbay.xml.*;
import java.net.*;

public class HttpURITest extends TestCase
    Server server;

    public void setUp ()
      throws Exception
        URL jettyConfig = HttpURITest.class.getResource("/jetty-config.xml");
        server = new Server();
        XmlConfiguration xmlConfiguration = new XmlConfiguration(jettyConfig);

    public void testURIs()
        throws Exception
      System.err.println ("BLAH");

    public void tearDown() throws Exception


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