Hello there,

I am working on Maven 2 for quite a while now.  I like the tool a lot, it
helps the developers -and- the project leads.  It is a real gift.

I feel however that there is a (major?) issue with the propery management in
Maven.  In both the concept and the implementation.

The settings.xml seems to be the perfect place to put certain values
specificly for one (single) user for several projects.  Examples of such a
settings would be a SUbversion username or a database password.  Also the
settings.xml could contain specific proxy host and port values (and
authentication data for that single user).

It is obvious that the settings.xml can not contain data for one single
project.  I feel that there must be specific file containing the different
values per project.  Indeed, the profiles.xml can be used to specify project
specific properties.  Sadly one can not use: 
myproperty = abc=def 
The the model parser will throw exceptions.  One has to use the
<myproperty><![CDATA[abc=def]]></myproperty> in stead.  
This is not a good way to specify properties, I believe.

Also, property handling is not very powerful.  When specifying 4 properties:
And trying to use these properties in the same profile:
The ${database-url} would return jdbc:null://null:null/null

{model needs improvement}
Also the profile.xml model is tiny.  A profile only contains properties and
activation elements (and reposiotories - but they do not take part in this
property handling topic).  This is far too little: it would be good to be
able to specify much more in a profile (almost as much as in a regular om
model, I would assume).  Also conditional execution would be handy in the

Say we are building a war that should run on several application servers. 
One could specify several plugins to start|stop|deploy|undeploy the web
server or activate or deactivate the built application in the pom.xml.  This
would result in a pom.xml that is too big and incomplete.  It would be much
nicer to be able to add plugins when certain properties are set.  For
example, one could specify webserver.name = jetty6x in a
${project.name}.properties file (or in the upgraded profile.xml).   When
such a file read by Maven (before processing the pom.xml) the pom could be
filled with extra (conditional) plugins following the guidelines in the
${project.name}.properties (or profiles.xml) file.  

The same example can be given regarding database access.

[I know some issues could arrise as specified in
at the 'profile pitfalls' section.  Solution can be found for this.]

Many property handling issues (related to this rant) can be found:

Maven 2 is indeed much cleaner, more elegant and more powerful, but Ant's
property management is plainly better designed and implemented, I believe.  

Any remarks on this?  
I might be totally of mark.  Am I?

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