On Wed, 2006-05-03 at 08:31 +0200, Sharma, Jaikumar wrote:
> Dear Maven Users,
> Can I use third party libraries (required by build process to compile / test
> sources etc.) which are located in application installed location in the
> filesystem without installing them into local repository ? 
> As far as Maven documentation is concerned it describes two ways : One by
> installing the artifact into local repository and other by specifying the
> <scopy>system</scope> and <systemPath><path of libs></systemPath> in the
> <dependency> </dependency> section (use of this is discouraged as mentioned
> by Maven docs).
> http://maven.apache.org/ref/current/maven-model/maven.html
> <http://maven.apache.org/ref/current/maven-model/maven.html> 
> I want most of the artifacts to be referred by the build process at their
> original location and not by moving everything to repository.
> Is there a third way exists in maven 2 to refer the artifacts in the build
> process ? Might be the case that I have not come across to that so far.

The third option is to set up your own repository. This is very easy to
do; configure an http server which serves files from a directory with a
standard maven repository layout. Uploading files to such a system is
probably easiest by network-mounting the directory the http server is
serving files from. This tree can even be handily initialised by copying
your local repository dir (just remove any metadata files). Once your
repo is set up, just define it in the pom.

I gues a custom plugin could be written to add jars from other sources,
but I'm not aware of any existing plugin that does this, probably
because the built-in maven options are fine.

There are no other options I'm aware of. Maven doesn't support just
pointing at arbitrary directories full of jars; it's considered bad
practice as dependency info can't be properly managed. If dependency
management isn't needed, then perhaps Ant is the best tool to use.



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