both are correct,  wf's example and the comma separated values
      wf's example is supported during assigning of values to the parameter
      and the csv in the war plugin code itself.
      you can even mix and match, still need to verify this. =)

pete marvin

Wayne Fay wrote:
> Generally, the "new" way of handling these kinds of multiple excludes
> would be with a nested exclude ie:
> <configuration>
> <excludes>
> <exclude>...</exclude>
> <exclude>...</exclude>
> </excludes>
> Previously some plugins were using the comma-separator for multiple
> values, some were using nested children, and some were doing other
> things entirely. Now it seems the standard is to use nested children
> elements.
> Give this a try? I have no idea if this will work in the released war
> plugin, so you might need to pull a snapshot or even build from SVN,
> but this should be the right way to do it going forward, unless of
> course the plugin documentation specifies otherwise...
> Wayne
> On 5/3/06, Ken Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> When  I read the configuration doc for war:war, it says:
>>         excludes (Optional)     The comma separated list of tokens to
>> exclude
>> from the WAR.
>> Except it doesn't seem to work like that.  I'm trying to use
>>              <plugin>
>>                  <artifactId>maven-war-plugin</artifactId>
>>                  <configuration>
>>                      <excludes>**/*.fla,**/*.as</excludes>
>>                  </configuration>
>>              </plugin>
>> In this incarnation nothing is excluded.  I also have tried replacing
>> the comma with a space.  When I say
>>                      <excludes>**/*.fla</excludes>
>> Then the expected files are included, but that's only have the game.
>> I can go through the several other incarnations I've tried, but I
>> suspect it would be merely tiresome to the reader.
>> Is this a bug, known or otherwise?  Or am I missing something so
>> obvious I can't see it?
>>                 Ken
>> P.S.  I got into this because I was working with Flash whose input
>> files (.fla and .as) want to live with their various configuration
>> files (mostly .xml).  I had tried to set up src/main/flash, but then
>> I could get resources from there *and* from src/main/webapp into the
>> top level of the war.  That was my preferred model, but the war
>> plugin seems tightly wedded to the single input directory model.
>> Which is well and good, but this required me to merge all the flash
>> stuff into webapp so I could do flash development with the
>> configuration files that would end up in the war, and then I got to
>> the exclusion problem above.  This is mostly just context, but if
>> someone has another way to solve the original issue I'm open to
>> suggestions.
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