Just make sure you specify -DgeneratePom=true when running mvn
install:install-file on those 3rd party jars. This is missing from
that webpage and will save you some headache.

And you should use packaging=jar for any of those 3rd party artifacts
which are jars -- if you have any wars or ears you're installing, you
should specify =war or =ear.

As for the project, I would just jump in head first with the help of
the free "Better Builds with Maven" book from Mergere
(http://library.mergere.com/) and this email list, and figure things
out while you're working, not afraid to radically restructure your
project when/if you realize you've got it set up wrong, etc.

Good luck...


On 5/9/06, Chris Eidhof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm a first-time maven user. I quite like the idea, but I'm not sure
> how to do some things. I hope someone can help me!
> First of all, I'm depending on quite some third-party jars. I want to
> use them, and I thought the way to go is doing it this way: http://
> maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-installing-3rd-party-jars.html
> Am I correct? And should I use "jar" as value for -Dpackaging?
> Furthermore, I'm using a plugin-based system, and my directory-
> structure will look something like this:
> launcher.jar
> lib
>    - platonos.jar
> plugins
>    - appcore-0.0.1.jar
>    - 3dparty-1.0.3.ajr
>    - 3dparty-1.4.16.jar
> launcher.jar is an artifact generated by one of my modules, app-
> core-0.0.1.jar is an artificact generated by an other module, and the
> rest of the jars are 3d-party libraries. My setup will be something
> like this:
> MyProject
>    - Launcher module
>    - AppCore module
>    - Libraries module
> Is it possible to generate this as output? I think I should write my
> own Maven-plugin?
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris Eidhof
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