Ingo Düppe wrote:
Hi Steven,

this was my original question that eclipse:eclipse only generates project files for each of the modules but not for the parent project. So I guess this would be a really nice feature.


When you say parent project are you referring to a multi module project? What would the equivalent of it be under eclipse, I mean it's not a project with a java nature, what is it? Also if such a feature would need to be implemented I believe the only way to achieve something like that would be to make a multi module projects but with a flat hierarchy (as eclipse can't handle projects that are within projects but all projects are flatly in a workspace) and relative paths between them and people on the list have been against that kind of approach (but don't ask me why). Anyhow, once you generate the projects for the modules and import them in the workspace, do you need the parent project? Only possible use I see if some maven plugin manages to run some targets on the parent pom, otherwise I don't know. Anyone?

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