Doesn't the Release plugin actually do this with the prepare phase? Determine that you don't depend on any SNAPSHOT items? Or does the maven build not depend on the plugins, so this doesn't work? In fact, I guess the plugins would depend on Maven itself. How do you address eliminating that kind of circular dependency?


Mark Diggory wrote:

You can't if its the first time you've run maven, anyone trying to use maven for the first time can't get the proper plugins because its looking for Snapshots on codehaus. Seems if your going to do a full release of maven it would be wise to base it on full releases of the plugins in the mirrors, or at least a full release of maven and/or any plugin maintained and required by maven should be full released and often, then this sort of thing wouldn't happen. Look at Eclipse and the way they organize thier updates into "integration", "stable" and "release" builds.

For instance, EMF has a interim and stable update sites. This is one of the reasons I really pushed to have separate snapshot and release repositories at Apache, "product stability".


p.s. there was a comment I should set up a mirror or something crazy like that, it assumes I have some extensive knowledge of maven, which at this point with maven 2 I don't. While I understand you guys do allot of development and are focused on new features and bug fixes, it makes your product look bad to have single points of failure like this, I'm evaluating maven 2 for a project I'm now working on, this doesn't bode well in my evaluation.

On May 16, 2006, at 8:25 AM, javed mandary wrote:

You can use the -o flag ,
e.g mvn -o install

this will tell maven to work in offline mode and it wont try to check for
updates on the remote repo.


On 5/15/06, Markus Reinhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Am Montag, den 15.05.2006, 11:20 +0200 schrieb Jörg Schaible:

Geoffrey De Smet wrote on Monday, May 15, 2006 10:26 AM:
> Ibiblio is up, but the dns server of seems to be down.> > Brett Porter wrote:>> guide-mirror-settings.html>> >> Yes, it's down. Unscheduled, and beyond our control, sorry. But, since the new plugin releases refer to artifacts only available in, our complete development comes to a sudden stop, because of the automated update. Please, make sure for such releases, that all artifacts are available at ibiblio (which is at least mirrored).

Who do I to tell maven not to search for updates? Neither -o nor -npu
switches help. All needed plugins (tomcat-maven-plugin:pom:1.0- SNAPSHOT)
are located in my local repo.

Markus Reinhardt

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