Hi all,

The -U switch feels a bit overloaded to me at the moment since it
updates both snapshots and plugins.  The majority of the time I've
wanted to update one but not the other.

For example, when wanting to get a newer plugin version but not
wanting to update snapshots from ci since I have locally modified
versions installed.  Also when wanting to update snapshots for
integration purposes but not wanting to update plugins due to changing
two build variables at once.

Would it not make more sense to have two different cli switches for
updating snapshots and updating plugins?  I'm not entirely sure if the
-cpu and -npu switches help out here, although I've rarely had much
success with them and I haven't seen them recently cited.  If they are
legacy switches, wouldn't it make sense to remove them from the cli to
avoid confusion?

Regarding updating plugins, would it not make sense to check for new
versions on a daily basis like snapshots?  Otherwise users have to
check the mailing lists to know when to update plugins - this should
be more of a push process rather than a pull one as it currently is.

I've had a quick search in JIRA for any related issues, but couldn't
find anything similar - feel free to point the right direction if
these points have already been covered.



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