Thanks Kenney. I think what I want is similar to how the would normally be generated by Maven. As in, I want some code / cofiguration that can generate a properties file with the "version" in it.

For example, I want something to work like

eg. (with contents)

to produce: (with contents)


And so I can place in the in the class path and easily read it?
Australia's Fastest Growing Software Company 2002-05 [BRW Magazine]

Kenney Westerhof wrote:
On Tue, 23 May 2006, Mark Chaimungkalanont wrote:

Maven writes a property file in the jar or war at

For jars you can use a classloader to find that resource, but in the case
of a WAR the META-INF is not part of the classpath so you'd have to use
the servlet api to get the path to that file.

Code snippet:

    public static String getVersion( String groupId, String artifactId )
        throws IOException
        ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
        Properties props = new Properties();

        String propFileName = "META-INF/maven/" + groupId.replace( '.',
'/' ) + "/" + artifactId + "/";
        InputStream a = cl.getResourceAsStream( propFileName );
        if ( a == null )
            throw new IOException( "Cannot find '" + propFileName + "'" );
        props.load( a );
        return props.getProperty( "version" );

-- Kenney


We're using Maven2 and wanted to know the best way to get version information 
the SNAPSHOT timestamp, e.g. 1-0-SNAPSHOT-20050622 or sth) into a webapp that 
was built
with the "mvn package"?

My guess is that there is a property ${maven.snapshot.version} or something 
that we can
use to generate a properties file so that the app can read this information. 
Perhaps a
filter copy plugin against one of the goals?

Does anything know any references around this area? Have anyone got examples 
they can share?


Mark C

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Kenney Westerhof
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