Well you wouldnt.

The proxy is used to cache ( and persist ) the dependancies that are
hosted on the remote maven repos, like codehaus and ibilo. The means
that your developers have access to the dependacies at a high speed,
after they have been downloaded by the proxy.

Now an inhouse repositry would be seperate. In this you would store
all the jar that you produce and want to share between your
development team.

Does that help?


On 5/25/06, Kathryn Huxtable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Of course, one answer leads to another question... ;-)

Why bother proxying inhouse repositories? I don't see the logic there.


On 5/25/06 4:58 PM, "Kathryn Huxtable" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In that case, I'll stick with the webapp. Thanks much! -K
> On 5/25/06 4:56 PM, "ben short" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Kathryn
>> The idea is to have one proxy per organisation. That way if all the
>> programmers need spring as a dependancy, the proxy only downloads it
>> once, when the first programmer tries to build their project. the next
>> programmer gets the dependancy from the proxy, making it much faster.
>> Ben
>> On 5/25/06, Kathryn Huxtable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Thanks, that worked.
>>> Is the general opinion that each developer should set up maven-proxy on
>>> their own machine, or have one proxy site for an organization? If it's on my
>>> local machine I can use standalone.
>>> -K
>>> On 5/25/06 2:36 PM, "ben short" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Kathryn.
>>>> You need to add the following to your settings.xml.
>>>> <mirror>
>>>> <mirrorOf>central</mirrorOf>
>>>> <name>Internal Mirror</name>
>>>> <url>http://url.to.your.proxy</url>
>>>> <id>local-proxy</id>
>>>> </mirror>
>>>> When you rum mvn on your local machine it will go to your proxy for
>>>> the plugins and dependancies it needs. If the proxy doesnt have the
>>>> requested jars it will try and get them from ibiblio, codehaus or
>>>> other remote repositries.
>>>> Ben
>>>> On 5/25/06, Kathryn Huxtable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> Okay, I'll bite. I just set up maven-proxy-webapp (my team doesn't have
>>>>> control over the firewall settings for our web servers, so I need to have
>>>>> this on 80/443).
>>>>> I copied a maven-proxy-config.properties file from somewhere and edited
>>>>> the
>>>>> WEB_ROOT to be my local locations.
>>>>> What now?
>>>>> What do I change in settings.xml and pom.xml to make this work?
>>>>> And how do I populate the proxy with jars so that the next time codehaus
>>>>> or
>>>>> ibiblio is down I can get work done?
>>>>> -K
>>>>> On 5/25/06 11:51 AM, "dan tran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>> Chas, i feel your pains, so here a list of my own recommendations:
>>>>>>   1.  Get a maven-proxy in place, so when a central repo is down, you can
>>>>>> switch to
>>>>>>        a another mirror without user notice.  Set up maven-proxy is not
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> hard ;-)
>>>>>>        check out archive list for all maven-proxy discussion.  Feel free
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> ping us for help
>>>>>>   2.  Dont use snapshot,  cut a release yourself.  I fetch the source and
>>>>>> post fix the version
>>>>>>        with svn revision number.  For example, if I need a feature/bug
>>>>>> fix
>>>>>> in maven-assembly-plugin
>>>>>>        version 2.2-snapshot,  then I build 2.2-${svn.revision} and deploy
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> your
>>>>>>        internal repository that can serve by maven-proxy.
>>>>>>   3.  Use pluginManagement to specify all plugins that used by your
>>>>>> project'poms.
>>>>>>        This get your team's build much faster since it does not have to
>>>>>> go
>>>>>> to maven-proxy to look
>>>>>>        for daily update.
>>>>>> This settup will prevent most of maven's uncertainties that others and I
>>>>>> have gone thru
>>>>>> Hope it helps
>>>>>> -D
>>>>>> On 5/25/06, Chas Douglass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>>> I really liked the idea of Maven2 when I heard about it, and when a
>>>>>>> fellow developer used it successfully to build a small library for me, I
>>>>>>> thought it was time to jump in.
>>>>>>> Three weeks later I have managed to accomplish very little on my
>>>>>>> project, and I've converted four simple Ant build files into 7 Maven
>>>>>>> pom.xml's that, by and large, don't work.
>>>>>>> To advertise Maven 2 as "stable" is, I believe, a disservice to
>>>>>>> developers.  In my experience with it, "early beta" would be a kind
>>>>>>> description.
>>>>>>> After struggling for the first week with broken links and dead-ends on
>>>>>>> the web pages, I subscribed to the users list and found out there is a
>>>>>>> "secret" book that documents much of Maven (ok, it's not really secret,
>>>>>>> but should I really have to subscribe to a mailing list to find out
>>>>>>> there is more documentation?).
>>>>>>> Of course, the secret book also documents features that aren't released
>>>>>>> yet (wagon is what bit me).  Perhaps that's why it's secret.
>>>>>>> So now I'm using a "stable" product (incorporating several unreleased
>>>>>>> and poorly documented snapshots) and what happens?  New releases of a
>>>>>>> number of modules come out and everything breaks!  Have I specified a
>>>>>>> release where I shouldn't have?  Have I NOT specified a release where I
>>>>>>> SHOULD have?  Based on the limited traffic of the problem on the user's
>>>>>>> list, I can only conclude that most people that use Maven are building
>>>>>>> the plugins/modules and that very few people actually use it to build
>>>>>>> applications.
>>>>>>> But my real beef comes to design decisions that I think needs some
>>>>>>> serious consideration.
>>>>>>>                        MAVEN HIDES TOO MUCH.
>>>>>>> It really is nice advertising to say "Look!  This 12 line pom.xml builds
>>>>>>> this huge project".  But that's only if you happen to want to do EXACTLY
>>>>>>> that ONE thing (which seems to be: build a Maven plugin).  The real
>>>>>>> world is more complicated.  And as soon as I want to get more
>>>>>>> complicated, Maven obliges me by getting WAY more complicated.  Most of
>>>>>>> this complication is due to, I believe, hiding too much from me.
>>>>>>> Why is it that I'm expected, as a developer, to be able to download and
>>>>>>> compile snapshots of plugins that aren't released yet (the jnlp plugin),
>>>>>>> but I'm not expected to understand a FULL LIFE CYCLE build file?
>>>>>>> You have this wonderful archetype mechanism, why don't you use it to
>>>>>>> make a pom.xml that actually includes information for everything it
>>>>>>> does?  This would be self-documenting to developers.  Isn't the target
>>>>>>> audience developers?
>>>>>>> I believe Maven is hiding the actual build structure, and that that is a
>>>>>>> bad thing.
>>>>>>> I have used a number of open source projects where the configuration
>>>>>>> file is used to document the product!  It is MUCH more enlightening to
>>>>>>> see a comment with a commented-out section than, well, nothing.
>>>>>>> An example: I use Java 1.5.  The Maven default is 1.4.  Can I simply
>>>>>>> search for "1.4" in the pom.xml and change it to "1.5".  Nooooo.  I have
>>>>>>> to research which plugin actually sets this value, how it sets this
>>>>>>> value, and add 9 lines to my pom.xml (assuming I did not yet have any
>>>>>>> plugins configuration).
>>>>>>> I think the second major design problem is the central repository.  As
>>>>>>> evidenced by the hardware failure at codehaus.org, this is a
>>>>>>> single-point-of-failure that is simply unacceptable in real world build
>>>>>>> situations.
>>>>>>> Not only does it represent a single-point-of-failure, it's not frozen.
>>>>>>> I could never see my company using Maven unless we set up our own
>>>>>>> version of the repository, and probably only if we used it exclusively,
>>>>>>> since we require complete build reproducibility.  Relying on an external
>>>>>>> organization to not make "secret" updates (as has been recently
>>>>>>> discussed) is simply unacceptable.  I haven't tried to set up a
>>>>>>> "central" repository, but from scanning messages on the user's list, it
>>>>>>> sounds somewhat less than well defined.
>>>>>>> Personally (for open-source projects), I can probably use it, but there
>>>>>>> is going to be a nagging suspicion when something breaks.
>>>>>>> So, for small users it represents a roadblock when the repository is
>>>>>>> unavailable, and for large users it represents a reproducibility
>>>>>>> problem.
>>>>>>> I think Maven is just "not ready for prime time".  I really want to like
>>>>>>> it.  I think there are some great ideas, and clearly some really smart
>>>>>>> people working on it.
>>>>>>> I hope this rant can be taken constructively.  I want projects like this
>>>>>>> to succeed, I really do.
>>>>>>> And, please, I understand I'm one person.  This is MY view of attempting
>>>>>>> to use Maven to build MY projects.  Perhaps I'm just not the target
>>>>>>> audience.  Perhaps I'm just out in left field.  Perhaps I've just missed
>>>>>>> the point completely.
>>>>>>> Chas Douglass
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