On 2006-05-26 11:08:28 -0400, Roland Asmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

Try adding the antrun-plugin in your modules in the <plugins>-section. You can ommit the configuration, since you already have that (I presume) in your parent POM in the <pluginManagement>-section...

I have many modules that I want to run this... so to keep with the DRY principle (don't repeat yourself); I'll keep it in the parent in /project/build/plugins

Not sure about where this is written (if it is at all), but it should work like this...

PluginManagement is sort of a definition for plugins, which MUST be explicitly activated (if not pre-defined in the
build lifecycle) by adding them in the POM.

If that is so then how is xdoclet being activated despite it only being mentioned in pluginManagement?

Hope this helped,


On Friday 26 May 2006 17:00, David Smiley wrote:
I'm trying to understand how maven determines when to use plugins for a

I have a parent pom and many modules.  I noticed that if I put a
<pluginManagement> in the parent and specify the xdoclet maven plugin
configured for the "generate-resources" phase, that it gets executed
when that phase comes due at the module level -- except for when there
are no files for xdoclet to process.  So it appears smart like that but
I don't know how that is orchestrated.

I am trying to get the antrun plugin to behave similarly, but it didn't
work when I set it up similarly.  That is, specifying the plugin in the
<pluginManagement> of the parent pom, for the generate-sources goal.
It doesn't get executed.  (note: it's not actually generating sources,
it's generating other files needed by assembly:assembly).  I
experimented and put it in /project/build/plugins and low and behold,
it is executed now.

What's going on?  Please enlighten me... and better yet, point me to
documentation for this 'cause I haven't found it.

~ David Smiley

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