I doubt you can get a release of this plugin soon, you can cut the release
yourself internally by fetching the latest source from
svn and give it a version number like 1.0-[somenumber], build, and deploy to
your internal repository.  I use svn revision number for the version, just
incase i need to go back to the source


On 6/2/06, Galleri, Xavier (CALYON) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I need a released version of the maven-csharp stuff in order to be able to
use the maven release plugin. Indeed, with the SNAPSHOT version, the
following occurs:

    > mvn release:prepare
      [INFO] [release:prepare]
      [INFO] Verifying that there are no local modifications...
      [INFO] Executing: svn --non-interactive status
      [INFO] Working directory: D:\dev\projects\ird-pricer
      [INFO] Checking dependencies and plugins for snapshots ...
      [INFO] Can't release project due to non released dependencies :

      in project 'IRD Pricer POM' (
      [INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
      [INFO] Total time: 8 minutes 10 seconds
      [INFO] Finished at: Fri Jun 02 14:38:37 CEST 2006
      [INFO] Final Memory: 8M/16M

What can you done asap? If this is not possible at the project level, is
there a way to build a non-SNAPSHOT version on my own build environment? Is
there any other suggestion?

Best regards,

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