Hi Wayne,

I'm more than happy to be proven wrong, but if memory serves the '-p'
switch was introduced in GNU Fileutils.  It may been picked up in other
utilities (let's face it, it is an extremely handy feature!), but I don't
believe it is part of the POSIX standard.  Even if it is, Windows is not a
POSIX-compliant operating system.  I would consider it a bug for any code
to depend on Windows acting as if it were.

On a side note, I also consider it a bug for Java code to make system
calls, that's probably more personal philosophy than a technical issue...


It's better to be hated for who you are
than loved for who you are not

Ian D. Stewart
Appl Dev Analyst-Advisory, DCS Automation
JPMorganChase Global Technology Infrastructure
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             "Wayne Fay"                                               
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         
             om>                                                        To
                                       "Maven Users List"              
             06/01/2006 05:59          <users@maven.apache.org>        
             PM                                                         cc
             Please respond to         Re: site:deploy -p switch       
               "Maven Users                                            
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         

I don't believe this is a Maven bug. Instead it looks like your FTP
Server (vsFTPd) does not support the -p flag to "create any missing
intermediate pathname components".

Here's some info I found on mkdir specs:

Perhaps file a bug with the vsFTPd people? Seems like -p is a "normal"
flag for mkdir commands in most operating systems/ftp servers... At
least, you're the first person I've seen report this problem on the
User list, so I can't imagine its a widespread problem.


On 6/1/06, Borut Bolčina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Windows XP, with maven 2.0.4 and site plugin 2.0-beta-5 when doing
> site:deploy with
>    <distributionManagement>
>        <site>
>            <id>website</id>
>            <name>my project site</name>
>            <url>sftp://my.server/project</url>
>        </site>
>    </distributionManagement>
> a command mkdir -p /project/ is issued which I think is not correct
> When executing from cmd window
>    C:\Documents and Settings\Borut\Desktop\Workspace\MyProject>ftp
>    my.server
>    Connected to my.server.
>    220 (vsFTPd 2.0.3)
>    User (my.server:(none)): myusername
>    331 Please specify the password.
>    Password:
>    230 Login successful.
>    ftp> mkdir -p /project/
>    257 "/-p" created
>    ftp>
> Instead of creating /project directory, the ftp client creates a
> directory with name "-p". I think that is the reason the site:deploy
> fails. See bellow.
>    C:\Documents and Settings\Borut\Desktop\Workspace\MyProject>mvn
>    site:deploy
>    [INFO] Scanning for projects...
>    [INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'site'.
>    [INFO]

>    [INFO] Building MyProject
>    [INFO]    task-segment: [site:deploy]
>    [INFO]

>    [INFO] [site:deploy]
>    The authenticity of host 'my.server' can't be established.
>    RSA key fingerprint is
>    Are you sure you want to continue connecting? (yes/no): yes
>    sftp://my.server/project - Session: Opened
>    Executing command: mkdir -p /project/.
>    sftp://my.server/project - Session: Disconnecting
>    sftp://my.server/project - Session: Disconnected
>    [INFO]
>    [INFO]
>    [INFO] Error uploading site
>    Embedded error: Error performing commands for file transfer
>    Exit code: 1 - mkdir: cannot create directory `/project': Permission
>    denied
>    [INFO]
>    [INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
>    [INFO]
>    [INFO] Total time: 10 seconds
>    [INFO] Finished at: Thu Jun 01 23:06:05 CEST 2006
>    [INFO] Final Memory: 7M/13M
>    [INFO]
> The same happens when trying to deploy with scp.
> Regards,
> Borut
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