I have what amounts to an aggregator pom that I use to create an assembly 
of a few different jars.

I do this by having my aggregator depend on the jars I want in my zip and 
using a dependencySet in my assembly descriptor.  It seems that 
assembly:assembly only actually puts anything in the zip if my aggregator 
has packaging jar.  This is not much of a problem if the jars I am 
assembling are already built and in my repo.

However,  I want to first build the jars instead of just getting them out 
of the repo.  So I add them as modules to my aggregator and must change my 
aggregator to have packaging pom.  I then use a moduleSet in my 
descriptor, but the assembly:assembly goal just creates empty zips.

Does anyone know why the assembly plugin only actually works when I have 
my packaging as jar?  Surely assembling a multi-module project into a zip 
is not something that should be very difficult.


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