I started there, and I've got it to the point that it shuts of the -vws
flag, but the setup shown in the documentation only shows examples for
ClearCase LT that use a central viewstore, which I would like to avoid if I

On 6/7/06, Wim Deblauwe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I know there is someone using ClearCase LT, so it should work. Look at the
documentation on the SCM website on how to configure for ClearCase LT



2006/6/7, Mike Lundin < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I'm very much a rookie with Continuum (and Maven for that matter) and am
> trying to set up Continuum to work with my already existing ClearCase
> views.  We're running ClearCase LT and I don't really want to go
> straight to
> the viewstore.  The data in our streams is extensive and I would rather
> just
> use the local view for updating and such and control that through the
> Ant
> build.  Is there a way to do this and what would the SCM look like?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks much,
> Mike Lundin

Mike Lundin

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