
thanks a lot for your help! I think the dependency plugin will do the trick
for me. I was actually hoping that there is a mojo like
"source:jar-with-dependencies" or something similar which automatically
tries to retrieve the sources for the project dependencies. It would thereby
be fine if for some dependencies no source JAR can be found, after all, that's
life :-). However, it would of course be nice, if artifacts would ship along
with their sources...
Well, in any case, thanks again for your help!

BTW: Sorry for my double-post on this subject, I was having some trouble with
     my e-mail client!


Alexandre Poitras wrote:
I think it can if you declare source dependencies. But as you said the
problem is more with the repository. Anyway, this is the best solution
he can get at the moment.

On 6/11/06, jerome lacoste <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/11/06, Alexandre Poitras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://mojo.codehaus.org/dependency-maven-plugin/introduction.html

That dependency plugin doesn't handle sources, right?

I am not sure if it is possible anyway: part of the problem is that
(to my knowledge) there's no rule that says that an artifact that
comes to ibiblio should come with its source version bundle.

I hope it will change though. Especially that there's a talk to have a
sort of "non-free" section, we can hope that in the future, the 'free'
one will enforce a "comes with source" rule.

In fact, we can hope that upload of future artifacts will be made
given a source tar.ball plus an optional pom. But that's just my
opinion :)



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