Hi Stephen,

2006/6/13, Stephen Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I personally do more as you do.

I have team-wide "super-POMs"  I have a primary one that has basic
url, issue management, etc. type settings.  Then I have a "core" POM
with common dependencyManagment section to encourage use of the same
versions of Jar's to prevent incompatibilities, as well as common
reporting configuration.  Then I have a "webapp" parent POM that
specifically states the provided dependencies for webapps to be
deployed to our target server, as well as webapp specific stuff, such
as setting <finalName>${project.artifactId}</finalName> to remove the
version number from wars, and <wtpVersion>1.0</wtpVersion> for the
Eclipse plugin.

Right Stephen, that's the kind of pom inheritance, which I quite like
about Maven. It gives me the chance to encourage reliable and
maintenable project configurations throughout the company.

-- Stefan

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